Killed by persons unknown at Scouts gathering
Group: House Corvidae
Barony: Southampton
County: Exeter
Duchy: Cornwall
Race: Human
Until the meeting of the Harts and the people of Cornwall in April 1106, Petroc Tregorran was a little known officer of the Cornish battalion. Known locally as the son of yeoman farmers, Margaret and Dennis Tregorran, from near Maiden Castle, he had joined the battalion as a youth, and served loyally with it ever since. He had fought with the Battalion at the time of the civil war, being one of the troops defending Bristol, when Lord General Corvus took shelter there, after which he had hung up his armour and shield.
He had stood with the battalion for Rozenwyn Pervaine, during the recent revolt, holding her orders when she met with the loyal Harts. On the way to the Caer Pendrinn meeting, he was possessed by his ancestor, Igraine, and brought the news to the Harts that her support would be for those who reunited Cornwall and Albion. On the success of the meeting, he decided to enter public life in Albion, and travel with the Harts.
Later in the spring of 1106, he received a will and other papers from the Bank of Erdreja telling that the widow Margaret Tregorran had died in the famine that was affecting Albion. The papers indicated that he had been adopted from a branch of House Corvidae by the Tregorrans as a child. Unsure of what to do, he researched the papers, and although still not convinced of their truth, when the Harts entered the mists to choose the trinity of ancestors, he travelled with them, protected by Igraine. When those of noble blood were required, he touched the Pendragon throne, receiving a vision of the king, and took part in the ritual that bound the hallows to the land, calling on Igraine by the name of his birth – Peter Pyrrhocorax Hroc. The fact that the by the time of the Gathering the researches showed the papers to be genuine did not matter – his faith in their accuracy, and his family heritage was defined from his survival of that moment. His name though, for daily purposes,! would remain as it was best known.
Gentleman’s Register
Autumn 1106