William Randolph Hulce

Position: Lord Regent of Albion (retired)
Group: Ordo Hwyt Draga
Group: House Hulce
Barony: Castleford
County: Ellenbrooke
Duchy: Gloucester
Race: Human

youngest of the current generation of Hulces,
William was never expected to assume much responsibilty
(either in respect of the family’s noble lineage
or the Eremore trading house in Italija). Left
mostly to his own devices he avoided formal education
wherever possible, learned to hunt and fight,
travelled widely and developed associations with
individuals who his parents would certainly have
considered unsavoury. The resulting young man
was a somewhat atypical Albione noble; ignorant
of many subtleties but highly self-motivated and
very much self-sufficient.

Despite a nominal aversion to violence he served
against the Empire in Finn Dracha’s expeditionary
force to Erin (under the name ‘Eremore’);
returning to Albion in 1104 having received word
of the death of his brother Miles (Baron Castleford
and Deputy High Ambassador) at Dunwich Vale. His
blatant ambition and outspoken opinions made him
highly visible within the faction and he rapidly
gained title over his brother’s former estates
in Castleford. In the spring of 1105 he was charged
responsibility of reforming law enforcement in
Albion after Imperial insurgents gained significant
advantage through alliances with the country’s
criminal elements.

A founder member of the Ordo Hwyt Draga, William
has reportedly received dreams and visions from
several ancestors (including The White Dragon,
The Hunter and Nethras) however he apparently
remains primarily concerned with the mundane and
political aspects of the order. It is thought
that he is quite devout in his beliefs but relatively
reticent to discuss them with others.

William continues to support the lineage claims
of his alleged twin sister Georgiana Ebony Hulce
– despite the fact that no record of her exists
at either the College Of Heralds or in the family’s
personal records.

During the summer of 1106 William Hulce resigned from the office of High Sheriff of Albion after a number of high profile criminal allegations against senior members of the nobility, stating that he no longer felt able to best serve Albion in this capacity. After his part in the leadership of a successful mission to Tuetonia and the claiming of a significant victory over the followers of The Green Man he was elavated to the status of Earl and granted title over the lands formerly held by his long-time patron and friend Tylendal of The Hunters.

At the Gathering Of Nations 1106 he was elevated to the post of Lord Chamberlain of Albion. Whilst still distrusted in many quarters for his unconcealled ambition and public contempt for convention, his skills as a politician were in little doubt. Commentators believes that the Royal Council hoped that his aptitude for manipulation and intrigue might serve The Crown to strengthen Albion’s position in the world that emerged after the Catacylism.

Burke’s Peerage
Autumn 1106

In the autumn of 1106 Lord Regent Michael O’Donovan was slain by servants of the liche Castel after the battle against Aldeyork in Warwick. The same incident claimed the lives of nearly a dozen loyal Harts and was seen by many to be a critical point in the faction’s morale. Hulce exploited this moment to further his own political goals and proclaimed himself Lord Regent without consultation with the Royal Council. Whilst this claim was not disputed by any of those present (and quickly recognised by ambassadors of the Vipers faction), only time will testify to the stability of Hulce’s regency and the potential support of his fellow countrymen.

Burke’s Peerage
Autumn 1107

The formal confirmation of Gabriel Bathroy as Lord Regent of Albion brings to an end the bloody stewardship of William Hulce. His brief time in office was characterised by an unapologetically confrontational foreign policy that lead to war with the Lions, the slaughter of many Unicorns on Albion soil, and the summary execution of the Dragons’ then warmaster (after some poorly considered profanity in front of Albion’s children).

There can however be no doubt that the act for which Hulce will be most remembered is the mass “execution” (as the Lord Provost’s office prefers to term it) of his political rivals in House Charenten. Whilst the official story lays charges of high treason against House Charenten, sources within the Privy Council paint a different picture – with Hulce resorting to any means to try to secure his tenuous grip on power.

Hulce’s subsequent resignation – realising that his tarnished image no longer served the interests of the Pendragon Throne – was equally divisive; seen by some as the honourable course, but by others a cowardly flight from the consequences of his own actions.

Where Are They Now?
Winter 1112

Ever wonder what happened to William Hulce? Perhaps you remember the ambitious young politician who shot to prominence under Sagramore’s regency … but more likely you’re picturing the black-tempered, mass murderer who used poison and the sword to quell any challenge to his own leadership.

When he resigned from public life many suspected he would return to his family’s holdings in Italija, but in fact he didn’t go far at all. Whilst you won’t see him in court, Hulce remains an active force both politically and militarily within his beloved Gloucester. Rumours of some sort of secret pact between Hulce and Duke Lawrence Charenten are rife, although little hard evidence of such exists.

What is clear is that the sacking of Castleford in 1105 (when he was Baron there) affected Hulce deeply. Many argue that the massacre at Castleford marked the start of his slide into violence and religious fervour – and his decision to return to the barony seems motivated primarily by a desire to avenge himself (and The Hunter) against those he holds responsible. Whilst worship of The Green Man remains legal in Albion the peasants of the Greenwood tell a different story … hide your faith or “William the Bloody” will come for you.