Wyck Carden

wyck2 Group: House Carden
Position: Baron of Durham, High Alchemist of Albion
Barony: Newcastle or Durham
County: Lincoln
Duchy: York
Race: Human

Wyck was born in 1080, the eldest son of Joshua Carden and his wife Rose. Wyck’s early life was
mostly spent in the family home just outside Newcastle. His early learning took place there, under
the tutelage of his Nanny and the House Butler, Lisa’s husband George.

At the age of 5, Wyck was sent to a local scholar for his teaching to take the next level. His teacher
was Isaac Ferrier, a local man who was well versed in history, geography and most notably for
Wyck’s future, Alchemy.

Wyck’s father, Joshua was a reasonably gifted hunter and began to take Wyck with him on trips into
the local woodlands, teaching him how to fire the crossbow.

After numerous years of trying, Celia was finally able to give Joshua another child, this time a
daughter by the name of Azelia, Wyck’s younger sister. It was then only another two years before
Robert Eric, Wyck’s younger brother was born.

When Civil War broke out across Albion, during which time things changed for the Cardens who
suffered many personal losses. To make matters worse, the Carden’s in Newcastle had not heard
from Joshua’s elder brother William in Southampton for over a year and shortly after the Civil
War ended it was found that William and his family had seemingly disappeared; their premises in
Southampton ransacked. The stores in Londinium had fared little better; many stored foods were
spoiled as if they had been left to rot, other stock had been stolen. Just 6 months after the war had
ended, the Carden family was broke.

During the war and after, Wyck remained stoically focussed on his studies, believing that in so
doing he would be better placed to help Albion and his family. When Joshua made House Carden
beholden to House Fisher, Wyck was tasked to take up a role within the House Fisher’s guard; at 17
he was old enough to fight and learn how to command men.

Wyck began to take over the trading caravan’s himself. He had learned how to command men,
albeit his martial skills were still limited, so this role suited him better. During the winter of 1105,
Joshua Carden’s illness grew steadily worse and it was shortly before the Gathering of 1106 when
Joshua finally passed.

Wyck finally adopted the career his forebears had chosen and prospered from, he also began to
attend court, initially as a member of House Carden, accompanying Lady Fisher to the Gathering of
1108. Whilst Wyck was not, like his father, a skilled merchant, he put his other skills to good use to
support his efforts in re-establishing the Cardens livelihood. He used his skills as an Alchemist to
supplement the sales of grain and imported spices, his skill with cards to earn additional pay at the
Casino of Erdreja and his gallantry and desire to help to make many friends among local people and
families in and around Newcastle. The Carden name and Wyck’s own popularity was once again